can't connect to eikon via python

Hi, I am trying to connect to Eikon from python. My code has always worked but suddenly won't, even after I have restarted my machine.

import eikon as ek #Import library for python API wrapper
ek.set_app_key( XXXXXXXX )

I keep getting this message;

2021-02-03 19:17:18,985 P[14748] [MainThread 14724] Error on handshake port 9060 : TimeoutException('TimeoutException on HTTP request: ReadTimeout()')

Can you please advise? Thanks

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    The problem looks similar to this thread.

    You may need to check the followings:

    1. Check python dependency versions by running pip list command and verify the version of Eikon Data API, httpx, and nest-asyncio
    2. Activate debug log in your script to retrieve more detail by using the below code

