Switch from thomsonreuters.com api to refinitiv.com api to read company general info data

We have received notification from refinitiv team to stop using xxx api and use refinitiv.com api instead.

"We have been informed by our Operations Team that your RKD API account mentioned below are still connecting to the old end points - using either ‘reuters.com’ or ‘thomsonreuters.com’ endpoints.. We need you to make the necessary change to start connecting to the new @Refinitiv branded endpoints - ‘refinitiv.com’ . Although it was planned to remove the old endpoints by 31st August 2020. The old end points are still available but from February end , the ThomsonReuters.com and reuters.com end points will not be supported anymore. "

However I am not able to connect to the new api mentioned.

Please help in providing the new api details.

Current API request details <Python> :

api_url = 'http://api.trkd.thomsonreuters.com/api/Fundamentals/Fundamentals.svc/REST/Fundamentals_1/GetGeneralInformation_1'

message_request =

Please provide the similar details for new api i.e refinitiv.com


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