How to get most active value for US country


I want to find most active value for US (NYSE, NASDAQ).

The instrument of Hong Kong is .AM.HK

What is the instrument of US (NYSE, NASDAQ) ?


Best Answer


  • Hi @dummy_cpe14,

    You can use the chain request to get the most actively traded instruments on various exchanges. For e.g. to get the most active instruments by volume on NYSE, use the RIC .AV.N:


       "GetChain_Request_1": {
          "Instrument": ".AV.N",
          "Fields": "CF_NAME",
          "Parameters": {
             "Paging": {
                "PageSize": 10
             "Response": {}


    There are similar instruments for NASDAQ and other venues. Please contact or use Data Model Discovery tool to search for similar identifiers of interest.

  • Thank you, Gurpreet. What is the instrument for NASDAQ ?

  • Hi @dummy_cpe14,

    Instrument for Nasdaq is .AV.O.

  • image

    How can I get the result something like picture as above ?

  • Hi @dummy_cpe14,

    This forum is dedicated to questions related to APIs. It appears you are looking for a desktop application that can display the most active symbols within a given market. I would reach out to your Refinitiv Account Manager to discuss some options.

    For example, the following is a display within Refinitiv's Workspace desktop application for the top 25 on NYSE:


  • Hi @dummy_cpe14,

    What is the definition of 'most active' if it isn't by volume? The above screenshot appears to be showing most active by volume, but you chose to display price-related fields. I'm not sure where you see that display.

  • @dummy_cpe14, Few RIC's I am able to search up for NYSE are:

    Most Gainers Net: .NG.N

    Most Loss Net: .NL.N

    Most Gain %: .PG.N

    Most Loss %: .PL.N

    Please note that we are unable to provide content related help on these forums. It is best to contact Refinitiv support at and talk to a content expert.

  • value = price * shares. The image above is most active by value. Do you have any api to display something like the picture above.