Does Eikon Data API provide Officers&Directors and Filings data?

Does Eikon Data API provide Officers&Directors and Filings data?

If it's the case, does Eikon Data API gives capabilities to extract:

  • only the annual reports of Japanese companies sourced from EDINET(Yuho)?
  • only the officers and directors of a specific position who assumed the position during a specific period from a specific position (e.g. new outside directors who assumed the position this year, CEOs wgi assumed the position from CFO last year, etc.) by specifying the period and the title when sending an API request?

Best Answer

  • @hiroko.yamaguchi

    The best way to explore metadata for the content available through Eikon Data APIs is by using CodeCreator app. Alternatively you can use Formula Builder wizard in Eikon Excel, since the content available through Eikon Data APIs and through =TR function in Eikon Excel is pretty much identical.
    As far as I can see Eikon only provides the list of current officers and directors. This said, the moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every type of content available through Refinitiv product. For this reason content search and explanation questions are best addressed to Refinitiv Helpdesk, that does have access to deep content expertise. You may want to verify my answer about availability of officers and directors records with Refinitiv Helpdesk.
