How to get ExDividend data of company which has multiple listings

How do i find dividend of a company which has multiple listings.

Example: When i Get Event Headline, EventType=ExDividends, start date 22-Feb-20201, End Date 23-FEb-2021 and RIC = JNJ.N i get below 3 events in response

Event ID: 13574376: Dividend For JNJ - 1.0100 USD
Event ID: 13574632: Dividend For JNJ.BA - 0.2020 USD
Event ID: 13580376: Dividend For JNJB34 For JNJB34 - 0.3585 BRL

How do i find which one of these is applicable for JNJ.N, when i request detail by event Id Event.Organization.Symbol.Value is JNJ.N for all 3 of them.

Another similar example is ABR.N date from 1-Feb-2021 to 27-Feb-2021


Best Answer

  • Hello,

    Unfortunately the 'Get Event Headlines' contains headlines of the events in the format such as 'Dividend for JNJ'. However, you can use 'GetEvent_1' service to get more details about the event specifically for dividend, split etc such as record date, exdate, RIC codes etc. The 'GetEvent_1' service works on single event per request. I have attached sample SOAP request and response.

    Let us know if this helps.





  • I have been in touch with Refinitiv support and received response from Support representative today that there is bug/issue with Corax which will be resolved soon.