What values needs to be set for RECORDTYPE(FID: 259) for various asset classes


Can someone please help me with some documentation to explain what values need to set for RECORDTYPE(FID: 259) for different Asset classes.

I believe this needs to be 209 for Chains. Is that correct?

Best Answer


  • HI @nick.zincone.1 I tried the link for Speed Utility but it says page not found.

    Can you please let me know what is the instrument type when RECORDTYPE(FID: 259) = 209?

  • Hi @ajay.gupta,

    I tried the link from the article I linked above, and it worked with no issues. Can you please tell me which page you clicked this from so we can fix it? Also, I updated the answer above to include the instrument type of 209.

  • Thanks Nick,

    Last one on this, can you also let me know what's the Id to be used for Chains for FID 259? I couldn't make it out form the Guide in the link which you have provided.

  • Hi @ajay.gupta,

    I don't fully understand your question. When you specify a chain, the FID259 value will be different depending on the chain you specify. There is not 1 answer for every chain.