while using websockets with Real-Time - Optimized, how do I get the chain information to even start?


while using websockets with Real-Time - Optimized, how do I get the chain information to even start?

- What service? "ELEKTRON_DD" seems to just return "not found" for everything; e.g, 0#C 0#/C, 0#.FTSE, etc.

- What URL do I use for the websocket connection?

I've modified a github sample (MarketPriceEdpGwServiceDiscoveryExample) and am successully getting an auth token and pricing after discovering

services with https://api.refinitiv.com/streaming/pricing/v1/.

When I send messages like this:


"ID": 2,

"Streaming": false,










I get a resonse like this:



"ID": 3,

"Type": "Refresh",

"Key": {

"Service": "ELEKTRON_DD",

"Name": "0#/C:"


"State": {

"Stream": "NonStreaming",

"Data": "Ok"


"Qos": {

"Timeliness": "Realtime",

"Rate": "JitConflated"


"PermData": "AwEBSRDA",

"SeqNumber": 2655,

"Fields": {}



There is nothing in that response to expand chains with.

n.b. Despite having the right RIC, I really suspect that you cannot expand chains using the ELEKTRON_DD service or possibly not through the streaming price URL.

I am well aware of this code:


But it sure doesn't connect to anything directly in the "elektron cloud". I can of course point it at our local ADS (which we are trying to get rid of), but that isn't Cloud.

Thank you

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    I can subscribe and get data just fine (one of the instruments in your request is invalid). I used the service discovery example from github.

    SENT on session1:
    RECEIVED on session1:
          "Text":"Processed 2 total items from Batch Request.  2 Ok."
    RECEIVED on session1:
    RECEIVED on session1:
          "Text":"**The record could not be found"


    SENT on session1:
    RECEIVED on session1:
          "DSPLY_NAME":"FTSE 100 INDEX",

    Please contact content-support at MyRefinitiv to understand it.


  • Thank you @Gurpreet @Maury.Hill response received, please review if this helped

  • Thanks. Seeing this response reminded me I had specified a View and the fields for the Chain were missing from that. I forgot I was applying a View.

    Effectively, I was embarrassingly filtering out the very fields I was looking for.