Eikon Excel values not matching with Python API

I am getting different values from Excel and Python API for my dataset. I These are some the main symbols.

Date : 23rd Feb 2021
Fundamentals : ['TR.EV', 'TR.PE', 'TR.NotesPayableSTDebt(Period=FY0)']

Also, I observed that a big portion of this inconsistency depends on the date as well. eg, just one day before, on 22nd Feb 2021, a significant portion of this gets resolved. SImilary on some other data, the amount of shift in values magnifies.

Please suggest why is this happening and how to sort this.

Best Answer

  • Hello @anshulmlhtr,

    Closing this discussion thread: as we were not able to hear from you, and to clarify your question, we are not able to be of help.
