Error code -1 Server returns error. Please try again


I try to download stock price of .SPX for SP500 but got this error. I still can download it yesterday.

Thank you.


Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ha.T.Nguyen

    The error message suggests that there was an error on the server-side.

    Please retry your API call after a while.

    If the problem still exists, please share your API call.

    So I can take a look in more detail.

    I just quickly tested the .SPX with last price field.

    And it works fine.



  • Hello @Ha.T.Nguyen,

    If you would like to include the complete code, we can try running it on our side.

    Is your Eikon/Refinitiv Workspace desktop running, logged in and otherwise behaves as expected?

  • Hi. the Eikon desktop is still running. I change from eikon.get_timeseries to get_data and it works.