How to get flat price history for Geograin data

I am trying to pull flat price data from any number of Geograin RICS, but the ek.get_timeseries function only seems to pull the commodity basis, the default value. In the Eikon app, I can get the historical flat price using the Chart function by changing the field to "Last Quote", but I cannot find a way to get it using the Eikon API.


Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sebastian.masiakowski

    You can try this code:

    #pip install refinitiv.dataplatform

    import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
    rdp.open_desktop_session('xxxA Valid App Keyxxx')

    df = rdp.get_historical_price_summaries('WHRWDMCDMS-K', start='2020-05-01', end='2020-05-20')



  • chavalit.jintamalit Thank you, that at least pulls the data I am looking for, but it appears as if it only pulls 20 items at once? How can I pull more, like all data provided since 2001 as I was originally attempting?

  • Hi @sebastian.masiakowski

    You can adjust the start and end parameters.

    I just use 1st to 20th May 2020 to demonstrate the same data point with your screenshot only.

  • Thank you, it seems if you only include the start date (ie rdp.get_historical_price_summaries('WHRWDMCDMS-C1', start='2000-01-01')) then it only pulls the latest 20 items? That is what I did. But if you include the start AND end it pulls all data (ie rdp.get_historical_price_summaries('WHRWDMCDMS-C1', start='2001-01-01',end='2021-03-18'))

    Is there documentation for the get_historical_price_summaries function?

  • Hi @sebastian.masiakowski

    The RDP Lib is still in beta.

    So the documentation is limited.

    You can use help() to see the parameters list.


    You can also launch "CODEBOOK" on Eikon Desktop (Type in CODEBOOK on Eikon Search Bar)

    Then browse to the sample notebook for more information and example.


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