how can I get price data for a month in the currency I want?

I want to receive TR.CLOSEPRICE of '005930.KS' and '000660.KS' by using the'get_data' function of Eikon api.
I want to receive the closing price from February 25, 2021 to yesterday in USD currency. Is there a way to adjust the parameter?
In other words, how can I get price data for a month in the currency I want?
Thank you very much for your hard work.

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @jijija

    You can check the field parameters by using "CODECR" app.

    Please type in CODECR on Eikon Search bar and launch the app.


    Once you know the parameters, you can follow this sample code:

    df, err = ek.get_data(
        instruments = ['005930.KS'],
        fields = ['TR.CLOSEPRICE.Date','TR.CLOSEPRICE'],
        parameters = {'SDate':'2021-02-01','EDate':'2021-02-28','Curn':'USD'}

