EMA - retry frequency and maximum times controls

Dear team

Client is using C++ EMA client taking data from ADS. In this model EMA controls re-subscribing and seems no limit on re-try times. This could cause client CPU and memory running hot if they are taking US option data, 1.3 million RICs plus more from other market. Please could you confirm if any way they can control how many second would EMA second wait before next re-subscribe attempt and if they can set after X times their system should report error rather than keep re-subscribing? Thank you

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    There is a RequestTimeout configuration in EMA C++ to set the amount of time (in milliseconds) the OmmConsumer waits for a response to a request before sending another request.



  • Thank you Phuriphanvichai. Could you please confirm if possible to set maximum retry number? Thank you.

  • @Xiaorong.Xu

    I couldn't find a configuration that controls the retry limit.

    However, the application itself can stop resubscription by calling the OMMConsumer::unregister method with the item handle.