Check Status of EIKON Plugin

Hi - have dig through the web but did not find an satisfactory answer. I have a macro-enabled eikon template which calls a few of other procedures I do have in modules. I need to make sure EIKON is connected in EXCEL before calling these procedures otherwise the tool gets stucked and freezes. Is there a simple way to check the EIKON status and prompt e.g. a msgBox reminding the user to please connect? Found a few posts but they just do not work.

Best Answer


  • Thanks for the kind response I do get a error following the link provided:

    Resource at '/content/devportal/en_us/401.html' not found: No resource found

  • The link is correct. The problem is likely with your browser. Try another browser or try clearing cookies (or use incognito mode). Here's the link to a post from another user who experienced similar issue and was able to resolve it.

  • This is helpful. Thank you! It means, when i add this to my project / workbook referencing the PLSynchronizationMgrLib.SynchronizationMgr, anyone else who will open the file will automatically have this functions loaded in his excel. Meaning, when distributing my tool/template there is no need for others to instal/reference the syncronisation libary manually (?)

    IGNORE: I get the error message "Error in loading DLL" (SORTED: Had to close the sample file before loading the DLL into my own project)

  • Sorry - not yet sorted, so when adding PVVBAAPIS.dll i get the message "Can't add reference to the specified file"

  • You are correct, you can create an instance of PLSynchronizationMgrLib.SynchronizationMgr class as long as Excel session has Eikon Excel add-in loaded, which is why in my previous post I suggested running the check for the load status of Eikon Excel COM add-in.

    PLVbaApis.dll is not a COM DLL, you can't add a reference to it from a VBA project. Instead you need to declare CreateReutersObject function provided by this DLL using

    Private Declare Function CreateReutersObject Lib "PLVbaApis.dll" (ByVal progID As String) As Object

    You can find an example of this declaration in PLVbaApis.bas module referenced in the tutorial.