using variables in get_data

Hello developer community,

i have been looking for the answer to the question on this site and other places, but was not successful and need your help.

this is my question. I have an ISIN code and need TR.FundNAV.

ek_data, err = ek.get_data('LU1725405200' , ['TR.FundNAV.Date','TR.FundNAV'], \

{'Frq':'D', 'SDate': '2021-03-20', 'EDate': '2021-03-21'})

this works perfectly ok.

I need to change ISIN code, start date and end date in several ways, and wanted to use variables, like below.(givenisin, startdte, enddate are variables)

ek_data, err = ek.get_data(givenisin , ['TR.FundNAV.Date','TR.FundNAV'], \

{'Frq':'D', 'SDate': startdate, 'EDate': enddate})

but variables for startdate and enddate are not able to extract in get_data command. the variable givenisin works ok.

how can i express these startdate/enddate parameters in variables?



Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    The following code works in my environment.

    givenisin = 'LU1725405200'
    startdate =  '2021-02-20'
    enddate =  '2021-03-21'
    ek_data, err = ek.get_data(givenisin , 
                               {'Frq':'D', 'SDate': startdate, 'EDate': enddate})




  • Hi @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai thanks for quick response.

    you are rt. i tested the lines u gave me, and it worked on my console.

    what I found was i got startdate and enddate value from sql result and it needs to be converted as "date" type. dont really know why startdate = ''2021-03-20' works and queried date does not work, but i know have script working.

