How to get history from COIRTARGET

Hi ,

I am trying to retrieve history for COIRTARGET. I have tried this to methods but they didn't work.

TASA_BANREP = rdp.get_historical_price_summaries(universe = 'COIRTARGET=',

start = start_date,

end = end_date,

interval = rdp.Intervals.DAILY,

fields = ['MID_PRICE'])

start_date = "2000-12-12"

end_date = "2021-03-24"


ts,e = ek.get_data(TASA_BANREP,



Please note that I am not using get_timeseries since I need a long history.

Any help is appreciated.


Best Answer

  • @andrgome

    The only field name available for COIRTARGET= when retrieving timeseries using rdp.get_historical_price_summaries is TRDPRC_1. When you're not sure which field name to use with rdp.get_historical_price_summaries method, you can omit the fields kwarg altogether. In this case the method will retrieve all fields available for the instrument. Try

                                       start = '2000-12-12',
    end = '2021-03-24')
