how to create eikon.cfg to be in the current working directory?

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @anbezhilasokan.frm

    The sample code you tried to follow, it happens that the code expects you to store "appkey" in eikon.cfg

    However, this is not necessary at all.

    You can directly call the ek.set_app_key('<a_valid_appkey'>) with the value of your appkey.



  • Hi @anbezhilasokan.frm

    Eikon Data API does not have eikon.cfg file.

    Can you please clarify what you are trying to achieve?

    What is this eikon.cfg about?

    What sample code you are testing?

  • image

    i run this code i was getting empty . []

    ek.set_app_key(cfg['eikon']['app_id']) #set_app_id function being deprecated
    KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-4-eb162e0297c3> in <module>
    ----> 1 ek.set_app_key(cfg['eikon']['app_id']) #set_app_id function being deprecated

    ~\anaconda3\lib\ in __getitem__(self, key)
    958 def __getitem__(self, key):
    959 if key != self.default_section and not self.has_section(key):
    --> 960 raise KeyError(key)
    961 return self._proxies[key]
    KeyError: 'eikon'
  • @anbezhilasokan.frm

    Please refer to an answer in this thread.

    From my testing, the eikon.cfg should have the following entries:

    app_id = <appkey>

    To generate an application key, please refer to the Eikon Data API Quick Start.

  • Hello @anbezhilasokan.frm

    Please be informed that you need to manually create the file eikon.cfg and put the app_key in it as the format suggested by @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai