Looking for Elektron WebSocket API MRN Example with C#

Hi everyone,

I would like to find more or less the same (if possible 100% equal):


but in C# so I don't need to translate it line by line.

Is it possible to have a WebSocket API MRN Example in C# (NOT RDP, because RDP doesn't work well :-()


Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @oleksandr.kocherha

    You can take one of the examples from websocket-api/Applications/Examples/RDP/CSharp to connect to your RRTO cloud session and then merge the MRN Payload processing code from the MRN example - to derive your required example.

    The MRN payload you receive is identical from both the ADS and RRTO

    The MarketPriceRdpGwServiceDiscovery is the better one to use - as it does not require a fixed hostname, it will discover a valid hostname from your credentials and region.
