Looking for Elektron WebSocket API MRN Example with C++


I would like to find more or less the same (if possible 100% equal):


but in C++ so I don't need to translate it line by line and start this application from scratch.

Is it possible to have a WebSocket API MRN Example in C++

(NOT RDP, because RDP doesn't work well :-( ), no TREP I don't have TREP, just WebSocket API MRN consumer in C++ as simple as possible


Thanks in advance

PS. It is impossible to find C# example, we have already cleared that up here:


So now let's hope to have a C++ example at least.

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @oleksandr.kocherha

    We don't have any C++ Websocket examples as most of our C++ client developers use the RTSDK - specifically the Enterprise Message API - rather than Websocket API.

    EMA Consumer - Request & Decode Machine Readable News

    Although the above MRN tutorial connects to an ADS, we do have general EMA examples that can connect to RRTO as demonstrated in the QuickStart - Connect to RRTO

    Once you work through the RRTO Quickstart and understand how the code for example 113 works, you can merge the 113 Initialisation + session code with the MRN Tutorial code - to achieve your required example.
