Is there a way to determine expiration data for a historical future contract using DSS or TRTH REST

I'm looking to get expiration dates for contracts that are resolved from futures chain RIC using HistoricalChainResolutionRequest call.

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Hello @ekhosid,

    My understanding is that once you have resolved the chain you should have RICs of the future contracts. Next, you can run a search, either by specific RIC or by root RIC and a wild card, something like:

        "SearchRequest": {
            "FileCodes": null,
            "CurrencyCodes": null,
            "ExchangeCodes": null,
            "ExpirationDate": {
                "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Search.DateValueComparison",
                "ComparisonOperator": "LessThanEquals",
                "Value": "2016-12-31T00:00:00.000Z"
            "IdentifierType": "Ric",
            "Identifier": "ED*",
            "PreferredIdentifierType": "Ric"

    resulting in:

        "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Search.FuturesAndOptionsSearchResult)",
        "value": [
                "Identifier": "ED1tmH2^1",
                "IdentifierType": "Ric",
                "Source": "TIM",
                "Description": "ED1 MAR2",
                "InstrumentType": "DerivativeQuote",
                "Status": "Valid",
                "ExchangeCode": "TIM",
                "CurrencyCode": "TWD",
                "FuturesAndOptionsType": "Futures",
                "PutCallCode": "",
                "ExpirationDate": "2012-03-21T00:00:00.000Z",
                "AssetStatus": "Inactive"

    Does this work for your use case?


  • Thank you. That's exactly what I was looking for. Let me try it.