Fund screener via Python API

I was following the steps in, I realized that if I choose “Lipper Funds” for universe, it jumps to a different page, and when I export as excel, it doesn’t have the option to include formulas that can be used for Python API. Can anyone please advise on how to get formulas for fund screener? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @kelly.he

    I am not aware of the Lipper Fund search on Eikon Data API.

    However, I think you can try using RDP Lib.

    #pip install refinitiv.dataplatform

    import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp

    df =
        view = rdp.SearchViews.FundQuotes,
        filter = "ExchangeCode eq 'LIP' and FundClassCurrency eq 'THB' and AssetStateName eq 'Active'",
        select = "RIC,DocumentTitle,ExchangeCode,FundClassCurrency,FundClassLipperID,AssetStateName,FundEntityLipperId,CommonName,ExchangeName",
        top = 10000

    Then you can get RIC column as RIC list and use them with Eikon Data API.

    rics = df['RIC'].tolist()
    fields = ['TR.RIC','','TR.yyy'] #some fields

    df2,e = ek.get_data(rics, fields)


  • I've got the following error while tryig to run the first code

    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_get_endpoint_config'