Eikon API error


One of user is seeing the below error message.

data, err = ek.get_data('7203.T', 'CF_LAST')

2021-04-08 13:28:04,411 P[492] [MainThread 8980] Error code 404 | Client Error:

2021-04-08 13:28:04,411 P[492] [MainThread 8980] HTTP request failed: EikonError-Client Error:

What should she do for this?



Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Hidehiro.Nagase

    I checked the user's Eikon variant and the user should have API feature enabled.

    I would suggest that you check the user company network policy / proxy / firewall with their IT team.

    For network requirements, please contact Refinitiv Helpdesk at https://my.refinitiv.com/ and ask the helpdesk to escalate the ticket to Technical Service Group.


  • Hi @chavalit.jintamalit

    Thank you for your reply. Will let the client know about it.



  • Had tried the below solution but she has still a trouble. Could you anyone help this?

    import eikon as ek



    2021-04-16 16:46:31,918 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Send GET request to to detect API Proxy...

    2021-04-16 16:46:31,918 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Request to

    headers = {'x-tr-applicationid': ' dummy '}

    params = None

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,481 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] HTTP request response 404:

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,481 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Checking port 9060 response : 404 -

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,481 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Port 9060 was retrieved from .portInUse file

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,481 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Try to handshake on url

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,481 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Request to

    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-tr-applicationid': ' dummy '}

    params = None

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,591 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] HTTP request response 404:

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,591 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Response : 404 -

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,591 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Response 404 on handshake port 9060 :

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,591 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Application ID: dummy

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,591 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Init a Desktop session with new app_key

    2021-04-16 16:46:32,606 P[14676] [MainThread 10812] Port 9060 on local proxy was detected
