Can't generate App Key for Python API


I'm sorry to ask this (probably) stupid question but I can't generate any App key.

When I log in the Eikon web-access, the App library is empty. Then I don't have any "App key generator".

Could you please help me please?



Best Answer

  • It's hard to say what's going on based only on the information provided. However, here are a few things you could try.

    • Use Eikon desktop application instead of Eikon Web. While you should be able to create app key using Eikon Web, you'll need Eikon desktop anyway, as it's a runtime dependency for Eikon Data APIs.
    • Try another browser
    • If all fails, open support case with Refinitiv Helpdesk through MyRefinitiv.


  • Hi @fmazeas01,

    In addition to the solutions provided by Alex, you can also try to access the webpage for AppKey generator from the browser -

    Login with your Eikon credentials and select the Eikon Data API checkbox before clicking Register New App.

  • Hey,

    First off, big shoutout to fmazeas01 for bringing this up – trust me, you're not alone in feeling a bit lost with this. We've all been there, grappling with seemingly straightforward stuff that turns into a puzzle. So, first, I would recommend that you refresh your knowledge of mobile development by reading this - App Development Industry: Explore The Impact of 5G Technologies. Now, let's get to your question.

    Florent, don't worry, there's nothing stupid about asking questions, especially when it comes to new tools. Generating an App key can indeed be a bit tricky at first. What you're missing is that the App key generator might not be directly accessible from the Eikon web-access. Instead, you might need to access it through the Eikon Desktop application. It's a common point of confusion, as the process isn't exactly intuitive.

    Once you're in the Eikon Desktop, navigate to the App Library, and there you should spot the App key generator. From there, it's smoother sailing. And believe me, this hiccups during setup are something many of us have encountered. So, don't get disheartened – it's a learning curve.