Datastream fetch call for multiple securities failing due to no data in one security

I am trying the below Python code to get price index for 50 securities, but it seems the the call is failing because some of the securities do not have history from the starting date, and hence failing to rebalance to 100; one example being UKBJK28Z9. Could you please help me figure this out? The error message Jupyter Notebook is showing is "

could not broadcast input array from shape (3) into shape (50)



num_of_sedol_in_each_set = 45

str_fields = 'REB#(X(PI)~U$)'

char_freq = 'M'

first_day_str = '2019-04-16'

last_day_str = '2021-04-15'

isinlist = ['UKBW9RTW0', 'UK6718976', 'UKB01FLR7', 'UK6706250', 'UK6264048', 'UKB2Q5H56', 'UKB4TX8S1', 'UKB1JKTQ6', 'UKB297KM7', 'UKB2PFVH7', 'UKB0BM5T8', 'UKB2R2ZC9', 'UKB1L3XL6', 'UKBYYDFN0', 'UKB1R0FF9', 'UK6241483', 'UKB55ZBQ7', 'UKBF16M83', 'UK6247726', 'UKBD6FLL7', 'UKBJ0RTH3', 'UKBMC5RM7', 'UKBJVJP36', 'UKBLLJ4H7', 'UKB27WRM3', 'UK2579230', 'UK2606440', 'UKB00PV12', 'UKBF2HB11', 'UKBMMV2K8', 'UKB2NR3Y6', 'UK6465874', 'UKB5B23W2', 'UKB4JSTL6', 'UKB4P8HQ1', 'UKB1KYHF2', 'UKBSS6HX7', 'UKB02TT74', 'UKBLD9KX3', 'UKB0FXT17', 'UKBFNLRN6', 'UKBM67GG6', 'UKBYP71J9', 'UKBF4NQP6', 'UKBHHD4Q4', 'UKBYYNH90', 'UKBGJW376', 'UKBF3B6J5', 'UK2579230', 'UKBJK28Z9']

df_prices = pd.DataFrame()

df_prices = ds.fetch(tickers=isinlist, fields=[str_fields], \

date_from= first_day_str, date_to= last_day_str, freq= char_freq)


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    I can run the code properly in my environment. The output is:


    I also found a duplicated item in the list 'UK2579230'.

    Please verify the version of PyDatastream library that you are using. The latest version is 0.6.4. You can get it from The PyDatastream library is a third-party Datastream library that is not from Refinitiv. . Therefore, if you find an issue, please directly contact the library's owner via GitHub.

    The Python Datastream library from Refinitiv is DatastreamDSWS.


  • @Avik Saha

    The code runs fine on my environment after removing the following items from the list: UKBMC5RM7, UKBJVJP36, UKBJK28Z9.


  • Thanks, jirapongse.phuriphanvichai.

    Is it possible to tweak the code so that i can run for all the 50 sedols in the list? This list of sedols get generated by a different process that gets fed to me; so i dont have control on the sedols in the list. Any chance that it is possible to get the output for all the 50 tickers? For the 3 sedols (UKBMC5RM7, UKBJVJP36, UKBJK28Z9) that do not have full history, i would need to rebase those to 100 on the first day when the data was available.

  • @Avik Saha

    You can set DS.raise_on_error = False so it will not throw the DatastreamException.

    DS.raise_on_error = False

    DatastreamException: "UKBMC5RM7"("REB#(X(PI)~U$)"): $$ER: 2361,NO DATA AVAILABLE

  • jirapongse.phuriphanvichai

    Can you please help me figure out how to write the code regarding raising the error? I tried the code below but could not make it work.


    isinlist = ['UKBW9RTW0', 'UK6718976', 'UKB01FLR7', 'UK6706250', 'UK6264048', 'UKB2Q5H56', 'UKB4TX8S1', 'UKB1JKTQ6', 'UKB297KM7', 'UKB2PFVH7', 'UKB0BM5T8', 'UKB2R2ZC9', 'UKB1L3XL6', 'UKBYYDFN0', 'UKB1R0FF9', 'UK6241483', 'UKB55ZBQ7', 'UKBF16M83', 'UK6247726', 'UKBD6FLL7', 'UKBJ0RTH3', 'UKBMC5RM7', 'UKBJVJP36', 'UKBLLJ4H7', 'UKB27WRM3', 'UK2579230', 'UK2606440', 'UKB00PV12', 'UKBF2HB11', 'UKBMMV2K8', 'UKB2NR3Y6', 'UK6465874', 'UKB5B23W2', 'UKB4JSTL6', 'UKB4P8HQ1', 'UKB1KYHF2', 'UKBSS6HX7', 'UKB02TT74', 'UKBLD9KX3', 'UKB0FXT17', 'UKBFNLRN6', 'UKBM67GG6', 'UKBYP71J9', 'UKBF4NQP6', 'UKBHHD4Q4', 'UKBYYNH90', 'UKBGJW376', 'UKBF3B6J5', 'UK2579230', 'UKBJK28Z9']

    ds.raise_on_error = False

    df_prices_temp = ds.fetch(tickers=isinlist, fields=["REB#(X(PI)~U$)"], \

    date_from= '2019-04-16', date_to= '2021-04-15', freq= 'M')


  • Thanks, @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai! I will check my setup and try to replicate yours