Testing EMA : Best Practices


Is there "best practices" edited/suggested by Refinitiv in order to test EMA API integration.

In particular, is there any special RICs wich used inside a price subsciprion/snapshot request allow to "simulate/trigger" some kind of "error" messages (ex.g. StreamState CLOSED/NON_STREAMING, DataState Suspect or StatusCode different that NONE (the OK case))?

Thank you

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @DimAngelNX

    The Refinitiv Real-Time does not have any RICs that match your requirement. You may need to use the Interactive-Provider application to published those simulated error messages to the Consumer application.

    There are sink_driven_src and rmdstestserver source simulator tools in the Refinitiv Real-Time Advanced Distribution Hub (ADH) and Infra tool packages that might help you. I suggest you check with the Refinitiv Real-Time support team to verify if sink_driven_src and rmdstestserve tools can simulate those error messages or not.