Unknown Msg class and Random Symbols received post subscription

After subscribing to Market Data over the ELEKTRON_DD feed , we notice that we receive Unknown Msg class errors and random symbols which we are unable to interpret.

Could you please help understand what could be causing this?

Received STATUS message for key - null, streamId - 1348. TREP response: Processed 91 total items from Batch Request.  91 Ok.
Unknown msgClass: 15
08:08:49,079 WARN :  Filtering Asset with No Matching Asset Id Found for Symbol [/MÐ]
08:08:49,372 WARN :  Filtering Asset with No Matching Asset Id Found for Symbol [j¾p]
Unknown msgClass: 0
08:08:49,660 WARN :  Filtering Asset with No Matching Asset Id Found for Symbol [
08:08:49,862 WARN :  Filtering Asset with No Matching Asset Id Found for Symbol [Hr]
08:08:50,119 WARN :  Filtering Asset with No Matching Asset Id Found for Symbol [œ3 ]
08:08:50,308 WARN :  Filtering Asset with No Matching Asset Id Found for Symbol [=]
08:08:50,454 WARN :  Filtering Asset with No Matching Asset Id Found for Symbol [ŸxÀ]

Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @arvnar2407,

    Please see this previous discussion thread, a likely cause is with the infra, and should be the first point to verify.

    To find out more, about the messages received, including unknown message class, you can potentially trace all messages. ETA does not have easy to use, configuration-based tracing option included that is part of EMA, would have to be implemented in code. Please review the discussion how to implement/copy tracing in ETA in this previous discussion thread.

    Alternatively, if this condition reproduces more or less consistently I would run simple EMA consumer example and enable XML tracing to capture the messages easily instead of doing so in ETA.