CODEBK app: EVENT_TYPE result for



Could you advise me how to find the result of EVENT_TYPE (result would be "quote" or "trade" or blank) ?

I tried to find it on my own but I got an error code as below the screenshot. Please kindly assist.


I found the formula from below.

Examples > 02-Refinitiv Data platform Library > 1.1.0 Functions – Historical Pricing.ipyb sample formula

Best Answer


  • Hi @chavalit.jintamalit Thanks for your response.
    Could you please teach me how to import the syntax ?

  • @chavalit.jintamalit

    What the client wants to know at the end, is if EVENT_TYPE's result shows both "Trade" and "Quote" for <MOAT.Z> <RSX.Z> <RSXJ.Z> <VNM.Z> or not.

    Since the client is urgently asking for the answer, would it be possible for you to check on my behalf by any chance?

    Based on my previous investigation, I have already found out suffix ".NB" instrument codes do not support "quote" result under EVENT_TYPE while suffix ".O" ".OQ" ".N" support both "quote" and "trade" under EVENT_TYPE.

  • Hi @manari.osaki1

    You can execute the code in the cell in the first picture of my answer.