CodeBook - Embedding a Bokeh server in a Notebook


I am building an interactive app with reactive to the selection which it will be doing filtering on one of the column in dataframe, say ticker list. I following the steps mentioned in Bokeh documentation but it doesn't seem to work on CodeBook.

When I run it on jupyter notebook, it works though. Any idea how to make embedded chart working in CodeBook?


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @RCHANG619

    The CodeBook is deployed in the hosted environment, so I am not sure if it allows running a Notebook application in a "server mode" or not.


  • Hi @RCHANG619,

    The current version of CodeBook provides a static list of python packages and does not presently allow users to import additional ones. While you didn't provide any details around what isn't working, error message, etc, I can only assume you are attempting to use a package not installed, i.e. bokeh.

  • Thanks @nick.zincone.1. bokeh is indeed in the list of installed python packages. I can get the chart displayed for a bokeh chart

    *The chart works*


  • However, I want to build an reactive app with callback by leveraging bokeh server, which follows the link I post originally but it only shows the bokeh banner without displaying the chart