How to convert RIC / CUSIP / SEDOL to EstimateID in RDP

I see that EstimatedID is the primary company identifier in the ARM Output file for RDP Starmine. Please advise how can we convert RIC / CUSIP / SEDOL to EstimateID in RDP?

Should we do the conversion in RDP endpoint /discovery/symbology/v1/lookup? If so, may you kindly share the specific request POST parameters that we can use to convert RIC to EstimateID.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jenna.Tabunda,

    I am unable to find estimate ID in symbology conversion. However, you could use search or searchlight for this lookup.

    Here is an example for RIC -> estimate ID conversion:


      "View": "SearchAllLight",
      "Filter": "RIC eq 'IBM'",
      "Select": "QuoteEstimateID"


      "Total": 1,
      "Hits": [
          "QuoteEstimateID": "US_4741N_1"


      "View": "SearchAllLight",
      "Filter": "CUSIP eq '459200101'",
      "Select": "QuoteEstimateID"

      "Total": 177,
      "Hits": [
          "QuoteEstimateID": "US_4741N_1"