How to convert tickers symbols to RIC

I have a list of company ticker symbols (not RICs). I am trying to get the RIC for these ticker symbols. When I use the "rdp.convert_symbols" I am only getting the RICs for the symbols that are the same as RICs. How can I get the RICs for all my symbols?

symbols = ["NOVN", "CELG", "JNJ", "RDUS", "BMY", "TGTX", "UCB:BB", "STOK",

"LLY", "CTRV", "PSTI", "SNSS", "MRKR", "SRRA", "JAZZ", "AZN",



"IMV", "GWPH", "4503:JP", "MRNS", "ARQL", "TAK", "GNP:IN", "4508:JP",

"NERV", "ACRX", "LQDA", "BTAI", "TYO:4901", "ONCS", "MRSN", "NGM",


"GILD", "RDY", "AGEN", "4507:JP", "PHIO", "LPCN"]


Best Answer

  • Alex Putkov.1
    Answer ✓


    Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that your list of symbols consists of Bloomberg symbols, not exchange tickers. Examples like "UCB:BB", "4508:JP" or "TYO:4901" certainly don't strike me as exchange ticker symbology.
    I'm afraid there's no mapping between Bloomberg symbology and RICs. If your starting point is Bloomberg symbology, your best bet is to use Bloomberg terminal to retrieve ISINs for the symbols in your list and then use RDP to convert ISINs to RICs.
    The reason why you only got the results where the RIC is the same as your input symbol is because the default value of from_symbol_type kwarg of rdp.convert_symbols method is rdp.SymbolTypes.RIC. In other words by default the input symbols you provide to rdp.convert_symbols method are interpreted as RICs. You would get more results if you call

    rdp.convert_symbols(symbols, from_symbol_type=rdp.SymbolTypes.Ticker)

    However, the above would still only provide the result where Bloomberg symbol is the same as exchange ticker. I.e. it won't return the result for "UCB:BB", "4508:JP" or "TYO:4901".


  • Hi @Alex Putkov. Thanks for your prompt reply. I thought there would be additional arguments (kwargs) to convert these, but I wasn't really sure where to find it. So thanks for point that out.