get_data properties

does get_data have a calendar property similar to get_timeseries? I'm looking to use get_data to return NAV history but want to limit it to trading days only.

Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hi @jason.miller,

    From what I am seeing, all weekends, 1/2, 1/3, etc, are excluded as expected?

    This should correspond to the same content as provided by Eikon/RW Excel?

    However, you make a good point about 1/1.

    How about filtering out any holidays that did not result in any values, something like:

    df, err = ek.get_data('AT0000675665',['TR.NETASSETVAL.Date','TR.NETASSETVAL'],{'SDate':'2021/01/01', 'EDate':'2021/02/02', 'Frq':'D'})
    df.loc[df['Net Asset Value'] != '<NA>']

    from the result?


  • Hello @jason.miller,

    Would this be what your are looking for:

    ek.get_data('AT0000675665',['TR.NETASSETVAL.Date','TR.NETASSETVAL'],{'SDate':'2021/01/01', 'EDate':'2021/02/02', 'Frq':'D'})

    Resulting in


    Please find additional relevant info on Net Asset Values in this previous discussion thread and additional info on DIB and frequency lookup in this previous discussion thread.

  • Hi, that didn't quite work for the fund in question, SVDHX. Even including the parameter argument, i still see NAVs on non trading days (e.g., 1/1/21), which is what I'm trying to avoid

  • Ok, yes, I can do that. I was just checking to see if there was an argument I could use that might be a little cleaner