How to i retrieve Bid and Ask price in Time Series with ek.get_timeseries for EUR= and GBP=

How to i retrieve Bid and Ask price in Time Series with ek.get_timeseries for EUR= and GBP=

Best Answer


  • @avishen.bablee

    The ek.get_timeseries method can't get Bid and Ask price for EUR= and GBP=. You need to use the ek.get_data method instead, as shown below.

    df, err = ek.get_data(["EUR=",'GBP='],
                          ["TR.BIDPRICE.Date","TR.BIDPRICE", "TR.ASKPRICE"], 


  • @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai How do I set date and time to retrieve todays date at specific time. i am not able to retrieve data for MUR=MAUB. How do i add a calculated field. Say BID + ASK


  • Hello @avishen.bablee

    Sorry for the late reply. I do not think you can query data at a specific time. I suggest you use the Eikon/Workspace Data Item Browser app to verify if the instrument, your interested fields, and interval are available or not.
    Please see this post for more detail.