Mic/MIC_CODE (segment/market mic) not available in RKD responses?


I am trying to get Segment/Market MIC using RKD.
I tried "Search v2" and Quote/QuoteList calls, but the responses do not contain any MIC related data.

It seems Search V2 filtering by "Mic" is working, but the response does not contain the "Mic":


Example Quote Lists GetSimpleData v2 request / response - no MIC data.


Is there ANY way to get MIC/MarketMIC using RKD?



Best Answer

  • mhr
    Answer ✓

    I got an answer from "support".

    Mic is not available from RDK Search. But MIC_CODE and XMIC_CODE should be available in RKD Quotes services (depending on Exchange).

    I am probably missing permission to get the data.



  • Hello @mhr

    Sorry for the late reply. I suggest you contact your Refinitiv representative/Account manager to help you verify the permission.

    P.S. The RKD support team is the team that can help you when you have the RKD content and data question.