How to request an API key


I am trying to connect Python (on my laptop) to Eikon (on my school server) using vpn.

When I asked if it is possible to my local Refinitiv representative, he told me that he could approve it from his end if I had an API key.

Would anyone be able to help me with how and where I can request an API key?

Thank you so much in advance.



Best Answer

  • Alex Putkov.1
    Answer ✓


    To use Eikon Data APIs, your code must be running on the same machine where Eikon desktop application is running. I don't see how you could use Eikon Data APIs in the scenario you describe: your code running on your laptop and Eikon running on a remote machine at your school.
    To generate the app key required for Eikon Data APIs, see instructions in the Quick Start guide for Eikon Data APIs on this portal.