I/B/E/S timestamps in which time zone?

Dear all,

I retrieved earnings forecasts from the Eikon API and compared it to forecasts retrieved from WRDS. The activation times match across both platforms, but WRDS states that it's in US Eastern Standard Time while TR.EPSEstDate can be in either EST, GMT, or IST. According to the Eikon helpdesk, data retrieved in the Netherlands must be in GMT. But since my data matches WRDS timestamps, I think my retrieved Eikon data must then be in EST.

How can I find out? All help appreciated, thanks,


Best Answer

  • Alex Putkov.1
    Answer ✓

    For each value of TR.EPSEstDate field you can retrieve the time zone, in which the value is provided, using TR.EPSEstDate.origtimezone, e.g.

