Rebranding - clarifications


I need some clarifications about the impacts of Refinitiv rebranding activity.

Let me suppose the case of EMA C++, which is impacted by the rebranding.

  1. A customer of mine uses an old version of my application, linking a not-rebranded version of the EMA library. Can they still use it after July 2021?
  2. I need to release a patch of this old version of my application (e.g. due to a bug in my application logic), but the application is still linking a not-rebranded version of the EMA library. Can still I do it after July 2021?

Thanks for your help

Best Regards,


Best Answer

  • Hi @Paolo Parlapiano,

    cc: @umer.nalla

    I concur with Umer; after 31st July 2021, Refinitiv cannot publish code containing references to 'Thomson Reuters'. However, it is not a problem for you to release a patch of your product that uses a non-rebranded version of the EMA C++ API after July 2021. Non-rebranded versions will continue to work beyond that date.

    Hope this helps.

    Kind Regards



  • Hi @Paolo Parlapiano

    Just to confirm the official position post-July 2021

    Older version will not be supported (including emergency/blocker issues). Publishing code that references “Thomson Reuters” will result in a claim of trademark infringement against Refinitiv.

    • All fixes will be done on the newly rebranded version.

    • Customers can continue to use an unsupported old version. NOT RECOMMENDED.

    Therefore, based on the above, you could continue to use older versions and release a patch for your application built with the older version.

    However, if your customer reports an issue - which turns out to be an EMA issue and you report the issue to Refinitiv, we will only provide a fix for that issue using a newer rebranded version of EMA.

  • Hi @umer.nalla,

    thanks for the quick reply.

    Actually, I thought that "Publishing code that references “Thomson Reuters” will result in a claim of trademark infringement against Refinitiv." matched the point 2. of my original question.

    I now understand that this is something different, but what precisely?

    Thanks again


  • Hi @Paolo Parlapiano

    I assumed that meant if we as Refinitiv publish code containing Thomson Reuters.

    I will ask the API Product owner to confirm.

  • Thanks, looking forward for a confirmation.

    Best regards,


  • Thanks for the confirmation