Error in retrieve timeseries

i'm trying to pull data through api. here is my python code:

start, end = '2020-01-01','2021-06-01'

a = ek.get_timeseries('AAPL.O', 'Close', start, end)

Shows AttributError:'NoneType' object has no attribute 'status_code'

can anyone help - is this a proxy issue? thx

Best Answer

  • @KarenLi2004

    So far what I see is that you use a relatively old version of Eikon (v4.0.51). The most recent version of Eikon is v4.0.54. At the same time you use a relatively new version of EDAPI library. I'm pretty confident we never tested this combination of Eikon version and the version of EDAPI library. This said, I cannot definitively say that they don't work together. The output from EDAPI logger you provided suggests EDAPI library successfully established the handshake with Eikon API Proxy. For further troubleshooting it would be very helpful to get the output from EDAPI logger when you execute ek.get_timeseries method after setting ek.set_log_level(1). And another thing that would be helpful is the SxS log file. I appreciate you already provided one. Unfortunately, the one you provided was created with default trace level. What we need is the log file created with maximum trace level. For instructions on how to configure the trace level for Eikon logs see chapter "3. Verify that Eikon Desktop is running properly and APIPROXY service is enabled" in the article titled "Eikon Data API(Python) Troubleshooting". After configuring the trace level in Eikon logs, make sure to click Configure button in the bottom right corner of Configuration Manager window. Then restart Eikon, reproduce the problem of ek.get_timeseries raising an exception, and then grab the SxS log file.

    Another thing you could try is downgrade the version of EDAPI library, and see if that resolves the problem. To downgrade EDAPI library run

    pip install eikon==1.1.2


  • @klying2004 This is indicative of lack of Eikon connectivity - can you close and restart Eikon and then try the code again - code works fine my end. Let us know how you get on.

  • Thanks Jason. still get the same error msg. my desktop Eikon and Excel add-on connection is fine. wanted to confirm if this is due to some proxy issue? is there anyway i can set up the proxy for eikon connection? thx

  • @klying2004

    Could you try increasing the logging level for Eikon Data APIs library by executing


    Then reproduce the issue and share the output. I expect to see a more verbose output, which hopefully will point to the root cause of the issue.

  • Hello @klying2004

    Did you try the steps in the Eikon Data API troubleshooting guide article yet?

  • yes, i followed the troubleshooting steps.

    here is set_log_level(1) output:


  • and other screenshots:



  • log files as below. no APIProxy file can be found


  • @KarenLi2004

    The output from http://localhost:9060/api/status should look like this:


    I have a PowerShell script (CheckEikonDataAPI16.ps1.txt)that could be used to verify the status of the Eikon Data API Proxy. You may need to restart Eikon.

    Please follow the steps in this thread to run the script.

  • Unable to configure the higher trace level. after choose '4-Debug' under 'Thomas Reuters Desktop' Trace level, i cannot click 'configure' to activate it. here is the screenshot:


  • This means your Windows account does not have sufficient privileges to configure Eikon logging on your machine. You need to get your IT support involved. They can sign-in on your machine with an admin account and configure Eikon logging. Please make sure to ask them to revert Eikon logging to default level after you collected the SxS log. It may also be helpful to get Refinitiv Support involved. If you'd like to do that, please use Contact Us capability in your Eikon application (from the main Eikon menu select Help - Contact Us).
  • all right. I see. i'll reach out to our IT support and get back. thx Alex
  • Thanks Alex/team! The error is indeed solved by changing EDAPI version. Will upgrade Eikon desktop and api soon.