why no prices?

why am I not getting quotes/prices for this request? the markets are open...

python snippet:

streaming_prices = ek.StreamingPrices(

instruments = ['CAD=',"ESU1", "ESc1","SPXWr212133500.U"],

fields = ['CF_BID','CF_ASK','OPEN_PRC', 'CF_HIGH','CF_LOW', 'CF_CLOSE']





Best Answer


  • to be clear, I get prices for CAD, but not the ES futures...they should be live

  • so it's confusing... your slightly different call works. (get_data vs get_snapshot after .streamingprices

    any thoughts? is one not realtime?


  • Hi @opsp

    I demonstrated that I can use both StreamingPrices() and get_data()

    Both of them is realtime, StreamingPrices is a streaming request so you will get subsequence updates as well.

    get_data() is a snapshot request, one request gets one response.

    Please follow the code in 2nd picture and check the error return value as suggested.

    This is to confirm if you have enough permission?