Eikon API sum company data per country list

Dear Refinitiv team,

I'm trying to obtain some country-specific benchmarks for a few company-specific variables, such as "TR.AnalyticEstimatedCO2Total" and "TR.TotalAssetsReported". For example, I'd like to obtain the total "TR.TotalAssetsReported" for France as at end-2020. One way to do this would be to know in advance all French companies, get a list of their tickers/ISINs, download the field "TR.TotalAssetsReported", and then sum that number.

However, I was wondering if there is a way, using Eikon, to just obtain the sum of "TR.TotalAssetsReported" for all French companies within Eikon's databases as at end-2020, without having to know in advance all firms, their tickers, etc. and downloading data for all those firms?

Thank you very much in advance

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @AAMZ

    I think you still need to download each company TR.TotalAssetsReported before you can sum them.

    Here is the sample code:

