Null result on GDP API R Timeseries request

Hi all!

I'm trying to pull some GDP time series data (RIC: aIDCGDPPD/A) in R using the eikonapir package. However, my request is returning null values (see below). I have a feeling this is because something in my request is incorrect, but I can't figure out what. Can

The 'ECONOMIC.Timestamp' and 'ECONOMIC.Value' fields are taken from my search in the Excel formula builder. Can anyone tell me whats wrong?

> GDPqq <- eikonapir::get_timeseries("aIDCGDPPD/A", 
start_date='2020-01-02T15:04:05-07:00', # start date
end_date='2022-06-06T15:04:05-07:00', # end date
fields=list('ECONOMIC.Timestamp', 'ECONOMIC.Value'),
interval = "quarterly",
debug = T)
[1] "Request *************************************"
[1] "Response *************************************"
[1] "{\"timeseriesData\":[{\"dataPoints\":[[null,null],[null,null],[null,null],[null,null],[null,null]],\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"ECONOMIC.Timestamp\",\"type\":\"\\u003cnil\\u003e\"},{\"name\":\"ECONOMIC.Value\",\"type\":\"\\u003cnil\\u003e\"}],\"ric\":\"aIDCGDPPD/A\",\"statusCode\":\"Normal\"}]}"
[1] "Response status *************************************"
[1] 200

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    The get_timeseries method can be used to only retrieve "default" historical view data.

    Typically, it returns the OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE fields.


    Please share the formula created by the Excel formula builder to retrieve the 'ECONOMIC.Timestamp' and 'ECONOMIC.Value' fields.


  • Hi @economics01

    You can add interval = 'quarterly' parameter in your request and remove the field name (to get all available fields)


  • @economics01

    The code should look like this:

    GDPqq <- get_timeseries("aIDCGDPPD/A", 
               start_date='2020-01-02T15:04:05-07:00',  # start date
               end_date='2022-06-06T15:04:05-07:00', # end date
               interval = "quarterly")

    The output is:
