Is it possible to download historical ETF holdings

I would like to be able to download historical holdings for the etf ticker IWV as of a few specific dates (e.g. 12/31/2020, 12/31/2019). Ideally I'd like to amend the following code to achieve this:

hldgs, err = ek.get_data(instruments = 'IWV',
fields =['TR.FdSecurityOwnedRIC;TR.FdInvestorFilingDate;TR.FundPercentageOfFundAssets(EndNum=5000)'])

Can you advise if and how I can adjust this code to get this data as of one of the dates above?


Best Answer

  • Hi @ajalden ,

    Is this in Python? If so, I found that the below works well:

    hldgs, err = ek.get_data(instruments='IWV',
                             parameters={'SDate': '2019-12-31',
                                         'EDate': '2020-12-31'})

    Otherwise, using the Data Item Browzer (DIB):


    I found the following worked well (using 'FdInvestorFilingDate' as an e.g.) :

    hldgs, err = ek.get_data(instruments='IWV',

    Does this answer your question?
