EMA C++ can not pass a OmmArray to OmmConsumerClient

I create a class who inherited the OmmConsumerClient, and I pass a OmmArray to the construction function in order to decode the fids that I want

RefinitivClient::RefinitivClient(const OmmArray & fids)

: m_fids(fids)



void RefinitivClient::decode(const refinitiv::ema::access::FieldList & fl)


ElementList search;

search.addArray("test", m_fids.complete()).complete();


It will charge all of the fids

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    I have tested it with the Cons120 example in the RTSDK-2.0.1.L2.win.rrg package. The main function contains the following code.

    OmmArray fidArray;
            AppClient client(fidArray);
            OmmConsumer consumer(OmmConsumerConfig().host("localhost:14002").username("user"));
            consumer.registerClient( ReqMsg().serviceName( "ELEKTRON_DD" ).name( "JPY=" ), client );

    The decode function contains the following code.

    void AppClient::decode( const FieldList& fl )
        ElementList search;

        search.addArray("test", m_fids.complete()).complete();
        while (fl.forth(search))    {
            const FieldEntry& fe = fl.getEntry();
            cout << "Filter Fid: " << fl.getEntry().getFieldId() << " Name: " << fl.getEntry().getName() << " value: " << fl.getEntry().getLoad().toString() << endl;

    The output contains the required fields.



  • Hi @he.wu,

    I'm not clear on what issues you are facing or what you are trying to do. Within your decode, you typically walk through the fieldList that is passed and pull out the data. Within your code segment, you don't appear to be processing the incoming fieldList, but instead creating an ElementList. Can you provide more detail?

  • hi @nick.zincone

    tks for your return, in fact, I pass a OmmArray which contains all the fids that I need for the construction of OmmConsumerClient.

    And then, when I receive the notif of refinitiv, I will decode it, but I can not filter the notif by the OmmArray

    void RefinitivClient::decode(const FieldList& fl)


    ElementList search;

    search.addArray("test", m_fids.complete()).complete();

    while (fl.forth(search))


    const FieldEntry& fe = fl.getEntry();

    cout << "Name: " << fe.getName() << " Value: ";



    in my code, normally, it will only deocde the fids contains in OmmArray, but it still decode all of fids

  • Hi @he.wu,

    You provided an explanation of your code walkthrough, but what would be more helpful is to describe what you are trying to achieve. Based on what I can tell, is you are subscribing to an instrument that will return all fields and you are only interested in a few of those fields and are attempting to figure out how to filter the ones of interest?

  • hi

    yes, that it what i want to do, I just want to decode the few fids that I'm interested

  • @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai

    excuse me, could you give me your constructor function of your AppCLient ?

  • AppClient::AppClient(refinitiv::ema::access::OmmArray& array) :m_fids(array) 

    class AppClient : public refinitiv::ema::access::OmmConsumerClient
    public :
        AppClient(refinitiv::ema::access::OmmArray& array);    
        refinitiv::ema::access::OmmArray& m_fids;