MRN via Python

Hi Experts,

Our client is trying to access MRN data via Python script. However, he said he got an error message , "550 No Such Directory"

Python script is as below.


def download_mrn(date, issuer='RTRS'):

print(f'downloading {date} News from {issuer} ... ', end='\r')

# if doesnt exist data folder, make empty folder

if 'data' not in os.listdir():


date_dt = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')

date_2 = date_dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")

year_str = date_dt.strftime("%Y")

month_str = date_dt.strftime("%m")

if issuer == 'RTRS':

issuer_ = issuer + '_'


issuer_ = issuer

with FTP('') as MRN:

MRN.login('id', 'password') # id / pass

# MRN.cwd(f'News/Archives/Recent/{issuer_}/{year_str}/{year_str}-{month_str}')


file_list = MRN.nlst()


What he wants is to access data in below directory, not via using FTP software but via Python script.



Can you share any thoughts on this?

Thank you in advance!


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    The client needs to make sure that the path ('News/Archives/Historical/{issuer_}/{year_str}/{year_str}-{month_str}') is correct and valid on the FTP server.

    The error "550 No Such Directory" indicates that the requested directory is not available on the FTP server. The client can use the FTP software the verify the directory name.