RFA - Chain RIC snapshot

Hi Team

Please can I ask when registering a chain ric, how can I get its content by snapshot than adding it to my watchlist? Is there any sample/tutorials please?

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Xiaorong

    All versions of the RFA SDK include Chain example called StarterConsumer_Chain

    They can modify the code so that when making the initial chain request, they specify a non-streaming request e.g.


    ommMsg.setIndicationFlags(OMMMsg.Indication.NONSTREAMING | OMMMsg.Indication.REFRESH);


    reqMsg.setInteractionType(ReqMsg::InitialImageFlag );


    reqMsg.InteractionType = ReqMsg.InteractionTypeFlag.InitialImage;

    NOTE: the SendRequest, SentItemRequest function in all the examples is used for the Chain subscription as well as the constituent subscription - so they may need to change the code so that it uses non-streaming for the chain and streaming for the constituent RICS - as required.


  • Thank you very much Nalla~
  • your welcome.

    Note that when posting an API question, please try and post the language version as well e.g Java. C++ etc - as sometimes the code varies slightly between the versions.