Cannot connect to Refinitiv cloud using refinitiv sdk in my own app

I was able to run successfully the example provided in the Refinitiv sdk (113_MP_SessionMgmt) but when I try to use the same code in my own application it doesn't work.

Note that my server dlls/exe are in a "bin" folder but the server is run in the parent directory (in other words the current directory is not the bin directory). As it looks like some dlls are loaded dynamically could it he cause of the error I get:


TimeStamp: 11:30:23.528

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Success

Text: Received ChannelUp event on channel Channel_4

Instance Name Consumer_4_1

Connected component version: ads3.4.2.L1.linux.tis.rrg 64-bit



TimeStamp: 11:30:23.529

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Verbose

Text: Received ChannelReady event on channel Channel_4

Instance Name Consumer_4_1



TimeStamp: 11:30:23.902

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Warning

Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_4

Instance Name Consumer_4_1

RsslReactor 0x0000000020A57050

RsslChannel 0x0000000020A57050

Error Id -1

Internal sysError 10035

Error Location D:\Jenkins\workspace\ESDKCore_RCDEV\OS\VS141-64\rcdev\source\rtsdk\Cpp-C\Eta\Impl\Reactor\rsslReactor.c:4884

Error Text <D:\Jenkins\workspace\ESDKCore_RCDEV\OS\VS141-64\rcdev\source\rtsdk\Cpp-C\Eta\Impl\Transport\rsslSocketTransportImpl.c:696> Error:1002 ipcRead() failure. System errno: (10035)


Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Nicolas.Belhoste1 ,

    In addition to the check suggested by @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai ,

    As some ideas to troubleshoot, would it make sense to:

    1. Go to bare bones as much as possible. Start with the working example, and little-by-little modify it to what you would like to have in your custom app per your requirements. See at what point the failure occures

    2. See if you run your app as the same user/have the same permissions

    3. See if all files and folders on the file system that your custom app may require are fully accessible by the user it is run as, read, write and execute permissions, just in case.
