OHCL for customer interval through EIKON API in R

Is it possible to get OHCL data for customer intervals such as 45 days or 72 days instead of the standard daily, monthly, quarter, yearly etc.

rics <- list("BB.TO","AC.TO")
query_fields <- list("OPEN", "CLOSE", "HIGH", "LOW")

Want something like following in the interval parameters

mydata <- eikonapir::get_timeseries(  rics, fields = query_fields,  start_date = "2020-01-01T00:00:00",   end_date = "2020-11-01T00:00:00", interval = "42days"

Best Answer

  • @azam.yahya123

    As requested, please find below the example

    df = ek.get_timeseries('EUR=',['OPEN','HIGH','LOW','CLOSE'])
    custom_int = '10D'
    resampled_df = pd.DataFrame()
    resampled_df['OPEN'] = df['OPEN'].resample(custom_int).ohlc()['open']
    resampled_df['HIGH'] = df['HIGH'].resample(custom_int).max()
    resampled_df['LOW'] = df['LOW'].resample(custom_int).min()
    resampled_df['CLOSE'] = df['CLOSE'].resample(custom_int).ohlc()['close']


  • @azam.yahya123

    Refer to the Eikon Data APIs for Python - Reference Guide, the possible values for the interval are tick, minute, hour, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly.

    This also applies to Eikon Data API R.

  • @azam.yahya123

    To add to the response by @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai, to create OHLC timeseries with a custom frequency such as 45 days, you could resample daily timeseries. In Python pandas offers pandas.Series.resample method, which makes this task very easy. I'm not sure if R offers similar capability. If not, I'm sure it can be developed fairly easily. Or you could use reticulate to utilize pandas methods.

  • Would be great if you can share reproducible example in Python for OHCL data with a custom interval.
  • @azam.yahya123

    Thank you @Alex Putkov. for sharing the code. I have tried to find the same function in R. The closest one is the to.period in XTS. However from my checking the date output looks strange.

    Therefore, I have tried to implement the same function used to change the daily interval.

    The function looks like:

    ChangeDayIntervalMulRICs <- function(df, freq) {
      TIMESTAMP =  integer(0)
      class(TIMESTAMP) <- "Date"
      OPEN = c()
      HIGH = c()
      LOW = c()
      CLOSE = c()
      RIC = c()  
      for (p in unique(df$RIC)) {
          oneRIC = df[df$RIC == p,]
          firstDate = oneRIC[1,"TIMESTAMP"]
          lastDate = oneRIC[nrow(oneRIC),"TIMESTAMP"]
          intervalDate = firstDate + freq
            while(firstDate <= lastDate){
              temp = oneRIC[oneRIC$TIMESTAMP >= firstDate & oneRIC$TIMESTAMP < intervalDate,]
              TIMESTAMP = c(TIMESTAMP, firstDate)      
              OPEN = c(OPEN, temp[1,"OPEN"])     
              HIGH = c(HIGH, max(temp$HIGH))
              LOW = c(LOW, min(temp$LOW))
              CLOSE = c(CLOSE, temp[nrow(temp),"CLOSE"])
              RIC = c(RIC, p)
              firstDate = intervalDate
              intervalDate = intervalDate + freq

    The code to use the function is:

    rics <- list("BB.TO","AC.TO")
    query_fields <- list("TIMESTAMP","OPEN","HIGH","LOW","CLOSE")
    mydata <- eikonapir::get_timeseries(  rics, fields = query_fields,  
                                        start_date = "2020-01-01T00:00:00",   
                                        end_date = "2020-11-01T00:00:00",
                                        interval = "daily")
    mydata$TIMESTAMP <- as.Date(mydata$TIMESTAMP,"%Y-%m-%d")
    mydata$HIGH <- as.numeric(mydata$HIGH)
    mydata$LOW <- as.numeric(mydata$LOW)
    mydata$OPEN <- as.numeric(mydata$OPEN)
    mydata$CLOSE <- as.numeric(mydata$CLOSE)
    colnames(mydata)[[6]] <- "RIC"
    mydata$RIC <- as.character(mydata$RIC)
    ChangeDayIntervalMulRICs(mydata, 42)


    This is the sample function so it is not fully tested. You need to verify the data before using it in the production.