How to retrieve Workspace data fields with Python that cannot be found in the data item browser?


The Refinitiv workspace shows some data fields which I cannot retrieve with Python as they are apparently missing in the data item browser. Examples are the data fields Management Approach and Advisor in the below screenshot. Am I missing something here or are not all data fields retrieval with the API?


Best Answer

  • bob.lee
    Answer ✓

    @ErikM , For funds, you are right that Eikon API (also Eikon Excel) only have a subset of all the fields available in Eikon/Workspace fund overview page. The newer RDP Funds API got much more fields and should cover almost all data on the Fund Overview page.


  • Thank you
    @b.lee. I have spent some time trying to understand RDP Funds API but cannot figure out how I can retrieve data fields such as the ones I mentioned above. Is there something like a data item library or an overview of what functions exist?
  • @ErikM , Firstly, RDP Funds API is a separate service, not part of the Eikon API. It needs separate license. Once you got the right license, you should able to test it using the API Playground. For the 2 sample fields you asked(1) "active/passive", (2) "Advisor", I can show you in the screenshots of the API playground below.

    Notes: (1) Lipper user "Index Tracking" data point to indicate if the fund is "passive", i.e. tracking an index or "active" when that flat is not set. I used an ETF (Hong Kong Tracker fund) to show in the screen as your sample fund is not "index tracking".

    (2) I assume your "advisor" means "investment advisor", and I show the advisor's information returned by the API.



  • Thank you
    @b.lee. May I ask how you found out that the two sample fields are called by using "Index Tracking" or "Investment_Advisor"?
  • @ErikM , To be honest, there is no perfect way for search and identify data fields just given a name. As Lipper supports global markets, there are many types of data and many market are using different names for the same data. I only know these due to the fact I handled such kind of queries/request before. There is a "data-points" JSON file that contains all "data points" that user can search the contents using it. I did that via a small program I wrote for myself. The customer support (2nd line support team) also got good knowledge and experiences supporting such kind of queries. Also, if you are already a client for the RDP Funds API, you should have a list of contents that covered by your specific license. You can check with the sales or the a/c manager serving you.