I want to use the ek.get_newsheadlines and ek.get_news_story codes to get archived data, say news da

I want to use the ek.get_newsheadlines and ek.get_news_story codes to get archived data, say news data from 1990s.

As of now I am able to get data from a year back only:

code used:

df = ek.get_news_headlines('Topic:STX AND Language:LEN AND Source:RTRS', date_from='...',date_to='..',count=50)


Best Answer

  • @akshmita Eikon carries a maximum of15 months worth of news - which is a massive amount akready. To go back further you need to use a different product called News Archive which is part of our News Analytics product group. Please reach out to your account manager who can arrange a trial for you. I hope this can help.


  • Hi thanks, I need older data for a research project, so will reach out to the account manager for news archive