time series for ratio

Thanks for the quick response on my last question!

So, now I have another one. Is there a way to fetch the value of some ratio (e.g. EV/EBIT) for a certain company for each of the past x years?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • @leoneg the following should tell you a lot if you look at it carefully. Also please use the Data Item Browser tool (type DIB into eikon search bar) or Code Creator tool (type CODECR into eikon search bar) too get field and parameter level content help - and even full python code creation in the case of Code Creator app.

    df2,err = ek.get_data(['VOD.L','AAPL.O'],['TR.EVToEBITDA.date','TR.EVToEBITDA','TR.REVENUE'],{'Period':'FY0', 'SDate': '-5CY', 'EDate':'0CY','Frq': 'M'})

