EIKON API to see news flag and sentiment


Hi Team -

i would like to use EIKON DATA API to extract news + sentiment score and filtered by only important mark. Is this possible and what would be the best way? Thanks,


Best Answer


  • Thanks for your feedback - The answer doesn’t really nail down to my question –

    • The Example provided is a sentiment driven by public sentiment model via TextBlob – I wonder if it is the same as Refinitiv?
    • Also there is no filtering on the important mark from EIKON News Monitor.
  • @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai

    Thanks for your feedback - The answer doesn’t really nail down to my question –

    • The Example provided is a sentiment driven by public sentiment model via TextBlob – I wonder if it is the same as Refinitiv?
    • Also there is no filtering on the important mark from EIKON News Monitor.
  • @javier.j.w.wang

    Sorry for the confusion.

    From my checking, the get_headlines method in the Eikon Data APIs can't retrieve sentiment scores. This is the raw output returned by the get_headlines method.

     {'displayDirection': 'LeftToRight',
       'documentType': 'Story',
       'firstCreated': '2021-07-22T02:10:14.946Z',
       'isAlert': False,
       'language': 'L:en',
       'reportCode': '',
       'sourceCode': 'NS:DJN',
       'sourceName': 'Dow Jones News',
       'storyId': 'urn:newsml:reuters.com:20210722:nDJR2h4VkM:1',
       'text': 'DJ 10-Yr Benchmark Govt Yields - U.S. vs Other Nations',
       'versionCreated': '2021-07-22T02:10:14.946Z'},

    It doesn't provide the news sentiment scores.

    As I know, the news sentiment scores are available via Machine Readable News (MRN) from the Refinitiv Real-Time feed. You can search MRN on the Developer Community website for more information. The sample article is How to get MRN News Analytics Data via WebSocket API.

    Otherwise, you can directly contact your Refinitiv sales or account team for other solutions.