How to request an item SNAPSHOT for a RIC for past date time using java EMA api ?

How to request an item SNAPSHOT for a RIC for historical date time using EMA api ?

The below api call doesn't take any time and I believe it returns Snapshot at the current time.

consumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName("IDN_RDF").name("JPY=").interestAfterRefresh(false), appClient, "snapshotDemo");

Is there a way to get Snapshot of a RIC at a past date time say yesterday 3:00 PM or today's morning 9:00 AM ?



Best Answer

  • Unknown
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Mani.A

    You are correct. The EMA APIs are libraries that work directly with real-time, streaming data services. If you want to retrieve historical content, there are other data services that can provide this information. I would suggest you reach out to your Refinitiv Account manager to discuss some of these options.
